package com.espian.showcaseview; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ShowcaseViews { private final List<ShowcaseView> mViews = new ArrayList<ShowcaseView>(); private final List<float[]> mAnimations = new ArrayList<float[]>(); private final Activity mActivity; private OnShowcaseAcknowledgedListener mShowcaseAcknowledgedListener = new OnShowcaseAcknowledgedListener() { @Override public void onShowcaseAcknowledged(ShowcaseView showcaseView) { //DEFAULT LISTENER - DOESN'T DO ANYTHING! } }; private static final int ABSOLUTE_COORDINATES = 0; private static final int RELATIVE_COORDINATES = 1; public static interface OnShowcaseAcknowledgedListener { void onShowcaseAcknowledged(ShowcaseView showcaseView); } public ShowcaseViews(Activity activity) { this.mActivity = activity; } public ShowcaseViews(Activity activity, OnShowcaseAcknowledgedListener acknowledgedListener) { this(activity); mShowcaseAcknowledgedListener = acknowledgedListener; } public ShowcaseViews addView(ItemViewProperties properties) { ShowcaseViewBuilder builder = new ShowcaseViewBuilder(mActivity); if (properties.mmTitleResId == ItemViewProperties.ID_NOT_GIVEN || properties.mmMessageResId == ItemViewProperties.ID_NOT_GIVEN) { builder.setText(properties.mmTitle, properties.mmMessage); } else { builder.setText(properties.mmTitleResId, properties.mmMessageResId); } builder.setShowcaseIndicatorScale(properties.mmScale) .setConfigOptions(properties.mmConfigOptions); if(showcaseActionBar(properties)) { builder.setShowcaseItem(properties.mmItemType, properties.mmViewId, mActivity); } else if (properties.mmViewId == ItemViewProperties.ID_NO_SHOWCASE) { builder.setShowcaseNoView(); } else if (properties.mmViewId == ItemViewProperties.ID_NOT_GIVEN) { builder.setShowcaseView(properties.mmView); } else { builder.setShowcaseView(mActivity.findViewById(properties.mmViewId)); } ShowcaseView showcaseView =; showcaseView.setOnButtonClickListener(createShowcaseViewDismissListener(showcaseView)); mViews.add(showcaseView); mAnimations.add(null); return this; } /** * Add an animated gesture to the view at position viewIndex. * @param viewIndex The position of the view the gesture should be added to (beginning with 0 for the view which had been added as the first one) * @param offsetStartX x-offset of the start position * @param offsetStartY y-offset of the start position * @param offsetEndX x-offset of the end position * @param offsetEndY y-offset of the end position * @see com.espian.showcaseview.ShowcaseView#animateGesture(float, float, float, float) * @see com.espian.showcaseview.ShowcaseViews#addAnimatedGestureToView(int, float, float, float, float, boolean) */ public void addAnimatedGestureToView(int viewIndex, float offsetStartX, float offsetStartY, float offsetEndX, float offsetEndY) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { addAnimatedGestureToView(viewIndex, offsetStartX, offsetStartY, offsetEndX, offsetEndY, false); } /** * Add an animated gesture to the view at position viewIndex. * @param viewIndex The position of the view the gesture should be added to (beginning with 0 for the view which had been added as the first one) * @param startX x-coordinate or x-offset of the start position * @param startY y-coordinate or x-offset of the start position * @param endX x-coordinate or x-offset of the end position * @param endY y-coordinate or x-offset of the end position * @param absoluteCoordinates If true, this will use absolute coordinates instead of coordinates relative to the center of the showcased view */ public void addAnimatedGestureToView(int viewIndex, float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY, boolean absoluteCoordinates) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { mAnimations.remove(viewIndex); mAnimations.add(viewIndex, new float[]{absoluteCoordinates?ABSOLUTE_COORDINATES:RELATIVE_COORDINATES, startX, startY, endX, endY}); } private static boolean showcaseActionBar(ItemViewProperties properties) { return properties.mmItemType > ItemViewProperties.ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR; } private View.OnClickListener createShowcaseViewDismissListener(final ShowcaseView showcaseView) { return new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { showcaseView.onClick(showcaseView); //Needed for TYPE_ONE_SHOT int fadeOutTime = showcaseView.getConfigOptions().fadeOutDuration; if (fadeOutTime > 0) { final Handler handler = new Handler(); handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { showNextView(showcaseView); } }, fadeOutTime); } else { showNextView(showcaseView); } } }; } private void showNextView(ShowcaseView showcaseView) { if (mViews.isEmpty()) { mShowcaseAcknowledgedListener.onShowcaseAcknowledged(showcaseView); } else { show(); } } public void show() { if (mViews.isEmpty()) { return; } final ShowcaseView view = mViews.get(0); boolean hasShot = mActivity.getSharedPreferences(ShowcaseView.PREFS_SHOWCASE_INTERNAL, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .getBoolean("hasShot" + view.getConfigOptions().showcaseId, false); if (hasShot && view.getConfigOptions().shotType == ShowcaseView.TYPE_ONE_SHOT) { // The showcase has already been shot once, so we don't need to do show it again. view.setVisibility(View.GONE); mViews.remove(0); mAnimations.remove(0); view.getConfigOptions().fadeOutDuration = 0; view.performButtonClick(); return; } view.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); ((ViewGroup) mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView()).addView(view);; float[] animation = mAnimations.get(0); if (animation != null) { view.animateGesture(animation[1], animation[2], animation[3], animation[4], animation[0] == ABSOLUTE_COORDINATES); } mViews.remove(0); mAnimations.remove(0); } public boolean hasViews(){ return !mViews.isEmpty(); } public static class ItemViewProperties { public static final int ID_NOT_GIVEN = -42; public static final int ID_NO_SHOWCASE = -2202; public static final int ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR = -1; public static final int ID_SPINNER = 0; public static final int ID_TITLE = 1; public static final int ID_OVERFLOW = 2; private static final float DEFAULT_SCALE = 1f; protected final String mmTitle; protected final int mmTitleResId; protected final String mmMessage; protected final int mmMessageResId; protected final View mmView; protected final int mmViewId; protected final int mmItemType; protected final float mmScale; protected final ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions mmConfigOptions; public ItemViewProperties(int titleResId, int messageResId) { this(null, ID_NO_SHOWCASE, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(String title, String message) { this(null, ID_NO_SHOWCASE, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, int titleResId, int messageResId) { this(null, viewId, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int titleResId, int messageResId) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, String title, String message) { this(null, viewId, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, String title, String message) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, int titleResId, int messageResId, float scale) { this(null, viewId, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, scale, null); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int titleResId, int messageResId, float scale) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, scale, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, String title, String message, float scale) { this(null, viewId, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, scale, null); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, String title, String message, float scale) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, scale, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, int titleResId, int messageResId, int itemType) { this(null, viewId, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, itemType, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int titleResId, int messageResId, int itemType) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, itemType, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, String title, String message, int itemType) { this(null, viewId, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, itemType, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, String title, String message, int itemType) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, itemType, DEFAULT_SCALE, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, int titleResId, int messageResId, int itemType, float scale) { this(null, viewId, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, itemType, scale, null); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int titleResId, int messageResId, int itemType, float scale) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, itemType, scale, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, String title, String message, int itemType, float scale) { this(null, viewId, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, itemType, scale, null); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, String title, String message, int itemType, float scale) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, itemType, scale, null); } public ItemViewProperties(int titleResId, int messageResId, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, ID_NO_SHOWCASE, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(String title, String message, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, ID_NO_SHOWCASE, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, int titleResId, int messageResId, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, viewId, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int titleResId, int messageResId, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, String title, String message, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, viewId, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, String title, String message, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, int titleResId, int messageResId, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, viewId, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, scale, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int titleResId, int messageResId, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, scale, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, String title, String message, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, viewId, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, scale, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, String title, String message, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, ID_NOT_IN_ACTIONBAR, scale, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, int titleResId, int messageResId, int itemType, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, viewId, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, itemType, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int titleResId, int messageResId, int itemType, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, itemType, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, String title, String message, int itemType, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, viewId, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, itemType, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, String title, String message, int itemType, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, itemType, DEFAULT_SCALE, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, int titleResId, int messageResId, int itemType, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, viewId, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, itemType, scale, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(int viewId, String title, String message, int itemType, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(null, viewId, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, itemType, scale, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int titleResId, int messageResId, int itemType, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, null, titleResId, null, messageResId, itemType, scale, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, String title, String message, int itemType, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { this(view, ID_NOT_GIVEN, title, ID_NOT_GIVEN, message, ID_NOT_GIVEN, itemType, scale, configOptions); } public ItemViewProperties(View view, int viewId, String title, int titleResId, String message, int messageResId, int itemType, float scale, ShowcaseView.ConfigOptions configOptions) { mmView = view; mmViewId = viewId; mmTitle = title; mmTitleResId = titleResId; mmMessage = message; mmMessageResId = messageResId; mmItemType = itemType; mmScale = scale; mmConfigOptions = configOptions; } } }